Serving Palm Beach and Broward County


When Is It Time To Buy A New Computer?

Posted on July 29, 2021

You should expect to replace your computer once every four years. That’s based on a cost analysis, plus the average time it takes to wear out the internal parts of the computer. Here at CCH we  give  a slightly different estimate: Five years for desktops and three to four for laptops. If those seem like […]

Want a good laugh!

Posted on March 9, 2021

“My screen is frozen”– How many times I’ve gotten this call… . It’s not your screen that’s frozen…it’s your batteries need to be changed in your wireless mouse “Or I can’t type”…once again the batteries need to be changed on your wireless keyboard “I can’t get on the internet”– Are the lights on your modem […]

With Remote-In123 you don’t wait hours to get computer support.

Posted on February 12, 2021

80% of all computer issues can be resolved remotely. With the Covid -19 pandemic situation more and more businesses have allowed their employees to work from home. About one third of the student population are still e -learning. In fact many companies will be choosing keep this working from home arrangement as permanent. Having office […]

Technology is great when it works!

Posted on February 9, 2021

We often take for granted our computers when they are working fine, but the second they don’t work we go crazy. Many of our lives revolve around our computers or laptops or even our tablets. In today’s world we have become technology dependant! With that said don’t get crazy it is only a machine – […]

“All of a sudden!”

Posted on January 21, 2021

Is this you? I know it has been me. I could be working on something and “All of a sudden” I get a pop-up and I am locked out of what I was doing or I am blocked from seeing what I was working on. It is so annoying! Well, I just want to tell […]

A New Year’s Data Resolution to stick to

Posted on January 14, 2021

Resolutions to improve for the coming year are great ideas to aspire towards; whether organizing your office, tidying your house, or taking control of your digital footprint.  The problem for many is motivation can quickly fall away by the time February rolls around. If you manage to achieve only one of your new year goals […]

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Hurricane Readiness-Evaluation

* Check Data Backup-or implement Backup Strategy
* Detail clients needs
* Check or add Battery Backup
* Instructions to prepare for Hurricane
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